Women suffer from asthma symptoms more frequently and more severely than men
Women suffer from asthma symptoms more frequently and more severely than men
Women suffer more frequently and more severely from pollen and food allergies and therefore also from asthma. Firstly, female sex hormones increase the risk and symptoms of asthma and allergies and, secondly, hormone preparations such as the contraceptive pill play a role. These factors should be given more consideration than was previously the case. Erika Jensen-Jarolim from MedUni Vienna's Institute of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research stresses this point on the occasion of International Women's Day on 8 March.
IU study finds caffeine boosts enzyme that could protect against dementia
New analysis reveals 24 compounds that can help reduce impact of harmful proteins in the brain
A study by Indiana University researchers has identified 24 compounds -- including caffeine -- with the potential to boost an enzyme in the brain shown to protect against dementia. The protective effect of the enzyme, called NMNAT2, was discovered last year through research conducted at IU Bloomington. The new study appears today in the journal Scientific Reports. "This work could help advance efforts to develop drugs that increase levels of this enzyme in the brain, creating a chemical 'blockade' against the debilitating effects of neurodegenerative disorders," said Hui-Chen Lu, who led the study. Lu is a Gill Professor in the Linda and Jack Gill Center for Biomolecular Science and the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, a part of the IU Bloomington College of Arts and Sciences.
Future climate change will affect plants and soil differently
A new European study has found that soil carbon loss is more sensitive to climate change compared to carbon taken up by plants. In drier regions, soil carbon loss decreased but in wetter regions soil carbon loss increased. This could result in a positive feedback to the atmosphere leading to an additional increase of atmospheric CO2 levels. Scientists analysed data from seven climate change experiments across Europe to show how European shrubland plant biomass and soil carbon loss is affected by summer drought and year-around warming. The research was led by Dr Sabine Reinsch and Professor Bridget Emmett from the UK-based Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (CEH) in collaboration with European and US climate scientists and published in the Nature journal Scientific Reports.
Doctors begin new clinical trial treating cancer with 70p malaria drug
Courtesy of St George's University of London
Experts from St George’s University of London, and St George’s Hospital have joined forces to investigate whether a common and cheap malaria drug can be used also against cancer. The researchers and clinicians raised more than £50,000 through a crowd funding campaign to fund the second part of their trial into whether the drug artesunate can tackle colorectal cancer and now are recruiting patients to take part in their clinical studies. In all £54,247 was raised through crowd funding to investigate whether the drug can help cancer patients by reducing the multiplication of tumour cells and decreasing the risk of cancer spreading or recurring after surgery.
Progress Towards a Circuit Diagram of the Brain
Heidelberg researchers develop a new algorithm for analysing image data
Precise knowledge of the connections in the brain – the links between all the nerve cells – is a prerequisite for better understanding this most complex of organs. Researchers from Heidelberg University have now developed a new algorithm – a computational procedure – that can extract this connectivity pattern with far greater precision than previously possible from microscopic images of the brain. Prof. Dr Fred Hamprecht, head of the "Image Analysis and Learning" working group at the Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing, expects such automated image data analysis to bring about great strides in the neurosciences. It will likely lead to a circuit diagram of the brain.
«L’ARTE E’ DONNA» in ricordo di Margherita Hack
L’esposizione si svolgerà dall’8 marzo al 5 aprile 2017
presso la Milano Art Gallery, via G. Alessi n. 11 – Milano
Il vernissage è previsto per mercoledì 8 marzo alle ore 18.00
1) Sua opera esposta in mostra;
2) Nome e opera nel prestigioso catalogo della mostra;
3) Una copia omaggio del catalogo
4) Assistenza alla vendita da parte del personale incaricato;
5) Biglietto invito personalizzato;
6) Ideazione grafica e stampa della Sua biografia che sarà esposta durante la Mostra;
7) Ideazione, stesura e pubblicazione del comunicato stampa della mostra col Suo nome;
8) Cocktail per la serata inaugurale;
9) Attestato di selezione alla mostra telematico;
10) Fotografo professionista per la serata di inaugurazione e invio delle foto;
11) Il Comitato selezionerà 4 artisti che rispettivamente vinceranno i seguenti premi:
1º premio - Mostra presso la “Milano Art Gallery” via G. Alessi n. 11 a Milano della durata di un mese, con l’esposizione di n. 25 opere
2º premio - Mostra presso la “Milano Art Gallery” della durata di un mese, con l’esposizione di n. 15 opere
3º premio - Mostra presso la “Milano Art Gallery” della durata di un mese, con l’esposizione di n. 10 opere
Premio speciale “Margherita” - Conferimento della pregiata targa di riconoscimento per i suoi meriti artistici

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