The antiviral activity of LF exists against a wide range of human and animal viruses (DNA and RNA). LF was proven to increase the host immunity against viral infection. Since LF is one of the constituents of breast milk and significantly located at the mucosal layers of the human body, it is considered the first line of defense against microbial infection. LF was reported to have antiviral activity against SARS-CoV infection. The significant antiviral activity of LF makes it a potential option as an immunity enhancer, a drug or a drug conjugate with conventional antivirals. The affordability, environmental safety, and efficiency of LFs will make them superior to all other control strategies.
More about lactoferrin:
Lactoferrin as potential preventative and treatment for COVID-19
Una risposta contro il Covid-19: la glicoproteina lattoferrina, una componente dell’immunità innata