A New Platform to Study Graphene's Electronic Properties
Graphene electronic structure represented by the Dirac cone. Using the metaphor of a sandglass- shaped cocktail glass, the differences in the electronic structures are shown as filling of the glass by a liquid made of electrons. Applying negative voltage is equivalent to drinking, and positive voltage to filling the glass with more liquid (=electrons). The Fermi level is the maximum level where you can find electrons, while the slimmest part of the sandglass is called Dirac point. (Graphics were modified from Freepiks)
Graphene's unusual electronic structure enables this extraordinary material to break many records of strength, electricity and heat conduction. Physicists at the Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems (PCS), in collaboration with the Research Institute for Standards and Science (KRISS), used a model to explain the electronic structure of graphene measured by a new spectroscopic platform. These techniques, published in the journal Nano Letters, could promote future research on stable and accurate quantum measurements for new 2D electronics.
Looking for a shortcut for personalized cancer treatment
Professor Kjetil Taskén is the head of Centre for Molecular Medicine Norway. He is standing next to a robot that can check different cancer drugs on tissue samles from patients. Photo: Bjarne Roesjoe/UiO
The aim is to identify precisely the one drug, or the correct combination of drugs, that are most effective against the specific tumor present in each patient. Professor hopes that new tools will come into use in the next five years. Modern cancer therapy is like searching two hay stacks simultaneously: for the one, special treatment amongst many – to treat one, special tumor out of many.
Link Identified between Nerve Cell Proteins and Middle-age Onset Dementia
Nagoya University-led research identifies role for neuronal protein interaction in preventing frontotemporal lobar degeneration, a dementia that starts in middle age. Frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) is a type of dementia characterized by personality changes, language dysfunction, and abnormal behavior. It has an earlier onset than Alzheimer’s disease, and is associated with a buildup of the tau protein in affected nerve cells (neurons).
New biomarkers for bowel cancer treatment
Scientists can predict in the lab whether a drug will be effective for individual colorectal tumors
Colorectal carcinomas arise in different forms, so all treatments do not work for all patients. OncoTrack, a public-private consortium supported by the Innovative Medicines Initiative Joint Undertaking, has conducted one of Europe’s largest collaborative academic-industry research projects to develop and assess novel approaches for identification of new markers for colon cancer.
Mercurio, "messaggero" di ghiaccio
Stando ai dati raccolti dalla sonda MESSENGER i depositi d'acqua ghiacciata nascosti nelle profondità dei crateri di Mercurio proverrebbero dalle comete nate nella cintura di Kuiper. Il liquido si sarebbe solidificato con le basse temperature raggiungendo uno spessore di 50 metri

Bambino Gesù: un nuovo passo avanti per la cura del neuroblastoma refrattario o recidivante
Pubblicato su Nature Medicine uno studio che dimostra sicurezza ed...

I fossili raccontano la fine di un’era glaciale di 300 milioni di anni fa
Un team internazionale di scienziati di cui fanno parte l’Università degli Studi di Milano...
Geografia e Storia

Conchiglie fossili: testimoni che raccontano i cambiamenti climatici del tempo profondo
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Astronomia e Spazio

La “ragnatela cosmica” della materia oscura che forma l'Universo fotografata da ricercatori di Milano-Bicocca
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Scienze Naturali e Ambiente

Darwin Day: i benefici invisibili e gratuiti della natura
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