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Comunicazione cervello-corpo: il ruolo delle piastrine

Comunicazione cervello-corpo: il ruolo delle piastrine

12 Marzo 2025

Secondo lo studio coordinato dalla Sapienza e pubblicato sulla rivista...

Individuati due marcatori biologici comuni ad Alzheimer e SLA

Individuati due marcatori biologici comuni ad Alzheimer e SLA

11 Marzo 2025

I ricercatori dell’IRCCS Istituto Auxologico Italiano e del “Centro Dino...

L’apprendimento si legge nelle pupille dei nostri occhi

L’apprendimento si legge nelle pupille dei nostri occhi

10 Marzo 2025

Pubblicato su Current Biology uno studio condotto da ricercatori delle...

Il futuro della conservazione della natura in Europa

Il futuro della conservazione della natura in Europa

05 Marzo 2025

I ricercatori del laboratorio Global Mammal Assessment (GMA) del Dipartimento...

Giornata mondiale dell'obesità: i consigli degli esperti del Bambino Gesù

Giornata mondiale dell'obesità: i consigli degli esperti del Bambino Gesù

04 Marzo 2025

In Italia 1 bambino su 3 è obeso o sovrappeso....

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Lunedì, 06 Novembre 2017
Lunedì, 06 Novembre 2017 12:40

Is frozen cod just as good as fresh?


Yes. As long as it is handled properly, new research reveals. In Norway they say that nothing is in more of a hurry than a dead fish. This is probably true, because on average it takes three days for a fresh cod to reach most sales counters. And for both retailers and customers, a three-day-old fresh fish is stretching it a bit. However, if the fish is frozen on board the vessel and thawed properly before it reaches the sales counter, its quality can be just as good as if it had never seen the inside of a freezer. Just as long as the fishermen and fisheries industry take note of our research results.

Pubblicato in Scienceonline

 Ricerca su Nature Communications ha, per la prima volta, spiegato i processi ambientali che hanno guidato la variabilità del ghiaccio marino e la presenza dei pinguini e degli elefanti marini durante gli ultimi 10 mila anni nel Mare di Ross in Antartide. Il ghiaccio marino o banchisa di ghiaccio è un elemento fondamentale del sistema climatico e il suo ciclo stagionale influenza la dinamica globale del clima a causa della sua interazione con l'albedo planetario, la circolazione atmosferica e oceanica oltre ad essere un essenziale componente dell’ecosistema marino polare. I meccanismi che guidano la variabilità del ghiaccio marino a causa delle forzanti ambientali naturali ed antropiche sono ancora poco compresi.

Pubblicato in Ambiente
Lunedì, 06 Novembre 2017 11:00

Relationship matters


Relational factors in music therapy can contribute to a positive outcome of therapy for children with autism. It might not surprise that good relationships create good outcomes, as meaningful relational experiences are crucial to all of us in our everyday life. However, the development of a relationship with a child with autism may be disrupted due to the level of symptoms interfering with the typical development of emotional and social abilities.  In a new study, researchers from GAMUT, Uni Research Health and University of Bergen, could show that the quality of the therapeutic relationship predicts generalized changes in social skills in children diagnosed with an autism spectrum condition (ASC). This predictor study included 48 children between 4 and 7 years who received improvisational music therapy weekly over a period of 5 months. Outcomes related to the child’s social skills were measured before and after treatment. Based on session videos the researchers assessed the relationship between the child and the therapist.  

Pubblicato in Scienceonline

 A new study found large disparities by sex, race, and age in survival for patients diagnosed with different cancers caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). Published early online in CANCER, a peer-reviewed journal of the American Cancer Society, the findings suggest that improvements in HPV vaccination and access to cancer screening and treatment are needed.
HPV causes most cases of cervical cancer, but it can also cause cancers in other parts of the body, including the oropharynx (the base of the tongue, the tonsils, and the back of the throat), vagina, vulva, penis, and anus. More than 38,000 HPV-associated cancers are diagnosed annually in the United States. Investigators at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion looked to see how survival rates vary for each of these cancers by certain demographic characteristics, such as race and age. The team examined data from 27 population-based cancer registries covering approximately 59 percent of the US population. The researchers focused on invasive cancer diagnosed from 2001-2011 and followed these cases through 2011.

Pubblicato in Scienceonline



Create a picture of how you are feeling on this particular day, said the first exercise in the art therapy. After ten treatments the patients who suffered from severe or moderately severe depression had shown more improvement than the patients in the control group, shows research at Sahlgrenska academy. "The conclusion is that it was the art therapy that facilitated their improvement", says Christina Blomdahl, PhD at the institute of health and care sciences, licensed occupational therapist and art therapist. As part of her dissertation she has allowed 43 patients with severe or moderately severe depression to undergo a manual-based art therapy that she has developed herself. The control group consisted of 36 people who all suffered from the same medical condition. In parallel with this, all participants were given different combinations of medication, cognitive behavioral therapy, psychodynamic therapy and physical therapy. The majority of the participants were so affected by their depression that they were unable to work.

Pubblicato in Scienceonline



Pre-menopausal women with the most common type of advanced breast cancer are usually excluded from medical research unnecessarily, according to an expert panel at the Advanced Breast Cancer Fourth International Consensus Conference (ABC 4). In new guidelines for treating advanced breast cancer agreed today (Saturday), the panel said that the majority of clinical trials for hormone-dependent advanced breast cancer either explicitly exclude pre-menopausal women, or deter them by means of unnecessarily restrictive inclusion criteria. The panel has called for future trials to be designed to enable both pre- and post-menopausal women to be enrolled. Chair of the ABC 4 conference, Professor Fatima Cardoso, Director of the Breast Unit of the Champalimaud Cancer Centre in Lisbon, Portugal, said: “At present, not only are younger women denied the opportunity to take part in clinical trials, but also clinicians lack the evidence on how best to treat these patients who have advanced breast cancer with limited therapies available.”

Pubblicato in Scienceonline


Comunicazione cervello-corpo: il ruolo delle piastrine

Comunicazione cervello-corpo: il ruolo delle piastrine

12 Marzo 2025

Secondo lo studio coordinato dalla Sapienza e pubblicato sulla rivista...


Ercolano - La caldissima nube di cenere vesuviana del 79 d.c. ha trasformato il cervello umano in vetro

Ercolano - La caldissima nube di cenere vesuviana del 79 d.c. ha trasformato il cervello umano in vetro

06 Marzo 2025

Lo scheletro del guardiano nel suo letto di legno presso Collegium Augustalium, nel Parco...

Geografia e Storia

Corna, zanne e palchi: un innovativo protocollo apre nuove frontiere per la ricostruzione digitale di crani complessi

Corna, zanne e palchi: un innovativo protocollo apre nuove frontiere per la ricostruzione digitale di crani complessi

10 Marzo 2025

Un team di ricercatori della Sapienza ha sviluppato un innovativo protocollo per la ricostruzione...

Astronomia e Spazio

Solaris: le prime immagini in banda radio del Sole dal nuovo osservatorio italiano in Antartide

Solaris: le prime immagini in banda radio del Sole dal nuovo osservatorio italiano in Antartide

04 Marzo 2025

L’osservatorio Solaris è un innovativo progetto scientifico e tecnologico - frutto...

Scienze Naturali e Ambiente


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