Hormonal contraceptives and hair dyes increase breast cancer risk
In her recent doctoral dissertation, researcher Sanna Heikkinen from the University of Helsinki and Finnish Cancer Registry evaluates the contribution of the use of hormonal contraceptives and hair dyes to the spectrum of breast cancer risk factors. The analysis included self-reported survey data from 8000 breast cancer patients and 20 000 controls from Finland. According to the results, use of hormonal intrauterine device was associated with 52% increased risk of breast cancer in post-menopausal women, when compared to women who had used copper intrauterine device.
Energia: un protocollo green per l'efficienza e la sostenibilità ambientale nel cinema
I risultati dello studio ENEA-Green Cross Italia sulla filiera dell’industria cinematografica
Cinema in Classe AL’intera industria cinematografica mondiale è responsabile del 2 per cento delle emissioni globali di CO2. È quanto emerge dal convegno #CinemaInClasseA, organizzato a Roma da ENEA e Green Cross Italia, che ha analizzato i consumi e le possibilità di risparmio del settore in Italia. “Abbiamo calcolato che i consumi di energia e le relative emissioni si potrebbero ridurre di circa il 20 per cento, se tutte le produzioni cinematografiche adottassero protocolli di sostenibilità per la realizzazione dei propri film”, ha sottolineato Antonio Disi dell’ENEA, coordinatore della Campagna nazionale per l’efficienza energetica Italia in classe A, promossa dal Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico e realizzata dall’ENEA.
Measurements by school pupils paved way for key research findings
With their measurements and samples, nearly 3,500 schoolchildren have assisted a research study on lakes and global warming, now published in the journal Scientific Reports. The results show that water temperatures generally remain low despite the air becoming warmer. This helps to curb the emission of greenhouse gases. How often is water warmer than air? Gesa Weyhenmeyer, Professor of Aquatic Biogeochemistry at Uppsala University, asked herself this question when she analysed thousands of measurements. They were taken in late summer and autumn 2016 by compulsory school pupils at senior level (years 7–9) from 66 schools in Sweden.
Regression of devil facial tumour disease following immunotherapy in immunised Tasmanian devils
Devil facial tumour disease (DFTD) is a transmissible cancer devastating the Tasmanian devil (Sarcophilus harrisii) population. The cancer cell is the ‘infectious’ agent transmitted as an allograft by biting. Animals usually die within a few months with no evidence of antibody or immune cell responses against the DFTD allograft. This lack of anti-tumour immunity is attributed to an absence of cell surface major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-I molecule expression. While the endangerment of the devil population precludes experimentation on large experimental groups, those examined in our study indicated that immunisation and immunotherapy with DFTD cells expressing surface MHC-I corresponded with effective anti-tumour responses. Tumour engraftment did not occur in one of the five immunised Tasmanian devils, and regression followed therapy of experimentally induced DFTD tumours in three Tasmanian devils. Regression correlated with immune cell infiltration and antibody responses against DFTD cells. These data support the concept that immunisation of devils with DFTD cancer cells can successfully induce humoral responses against DFTD and trigger immune-mediated regression of established tumours. Our findings support the feasibility of a protective DFTD vaccine and ultimately the preservation of the species.
A new research points out that climate change will increase fire activity in Mediterranean Europe
In the forthcoming decades, risks of summer fire may increase in Mediterranean Europe. A recent study published in Scientific Reports, led by researchers of the University of Barcelona in collaboration with several other research institutions, shows that the direct effect of climate change in regulating fuel moisture (droughts leading to larger fires) is expected to be dominant, regarding the indirect effect of antecedent climate on fuel load and structure -that is, warmer/drier conditions that determine fuel availability. The researchers drew this conclusion after analyzing a set of empirical models linking the summer Burned Area to the climatic indicators. These models are also promising for developing a seasonal forecast system supporting fire management strategies.

Disturbi alimentari: Bambino Gesù, +60% di nuovi casi dal 2019
Nel 2024 230 nuove diagnosi di disturbi della nutrizione e...

Comunicazione cervello-corpo: il ruolo...
Secondo lo studio coordinato dalla Sapienza e pubblicato...

Individuati due marcatori biologici...
I ricercatori dell’IRCCS Istituto Auxologico Italiano e del...

Ercolano - La caldissima nube di cenere vesuviana del 79 d.c. ha trasformato il cervello umano in vetro
Lo scheletro del guardiano nel suo letto di legno presso Collegium Augustalium, nel Parco...
Geografia e Storia

Corna, zanne e palchi: un innovativo protocollo apre nuove frontiere per la ricostruzione digitale di crani complessi
Un team di ricercatori della Sapienza ha sviluppato un innovativo protocollo per la ricostruzione...
Astronomia e Spazio

Solaris: le prime immagini in banda radio del Sole dal nuovo osservatorio italiano in Antartide
L’osservatorio Solaris è un innovativo progetto scientifico e tecnologico - frutto...
Scienze Naturali e Ambiente

L’influenza dei cambiamenti climatici sulle strategie riproduttive delle piante: uno studio dell’Università di Pisa traccia l’evoluzione dei semi negli ultimi 150 milioni di anni
La ricerca pubblicata sulla rivista New Phytologist Uno studio dell’Università di...