Palaeolithic art developed from public galleries towards exhibitions of a more private nature
A researcher at the UPV/EHU-University of the Basque Country proposes analysing characteristics such as the location and visibility of Palaeolithic works to try to deduce their purpose Blanca Ochoa, a researcher in the UPV/EHU’s department of Geography, Prehistory and Archaeology, proposes analysing the spaces in which the artistic figures of the Palaeolithic are represented to try and deduce the purpose of these expressions. In her study she observed chronological differences in the location of the drawings and engravings, which could indicate that the function and meaning of cave art gradually changed throughout the Upper Palaeolithic.
African trees kill both malaria mosquitos and the parasite
Malaria is one of the world’s most serious infectious diseases and affects more than 200 million people each year. Scientists at the University of Oslo have examined the bark from two African trees and found substances that can kill both the mosquitoes that transmit malaria, and the parasite itself.
Rare meteorites challenge our understanding of the solar system
Researchers have discovered minerals from 43 meteorites that landed on Earth 470 million years ago. More than half of the mineral grains are from meteorites completely unknown or very rare in today’s meteorite flow. These findings mean that we will probably need to revise our current understanding of the history and development of the solar system.

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Ercolano - La caldissima nube di cenere vesuviana del 79 d.c. ha trasformato il cervello umano in vetro
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Geografia e Storia

Corna, zanne e palchi: un innovativo protocollo apre nuove frontiere per la ricostruzione digitale di crani complessi
Un team di ricercatori della Sapienza ha sviluppato un innovativo protocollo per la ricostruzione...
Astronomia e Spazio

Solaris: le prime immagini in banda radio del Sole dal nuovo osservatorio italiano in Antartide
L’osservatorio Solaris è un innovativo progetto scientifico e tecnologico - frutto...
Scienze Naturali e Ambiente

L’influenza dei cambiamenti climatici sulle strategie riproduttive delle piante: uno studio dell’Università di Pisa traccia l’evoluzione dei semi negli ultimi 150 milioni di anni
La ricerca pubblicata sulla rivista New Phytologist Uno studio dell’Università di...